Terms and Definitions
Name | Description |
Abundant Mind | An abundant mind is one whose orientation to life Is that there is enough for everyone. |
Accessing Cues | The ways we tune our bodies by breathing, posture, gesture and eye movements to think in certain ways. |
Actualize | The art and skill of translating the inner game into outer manifestation. |
Analogue | Continuously variable between limits, like degrees on a volume knob or dimmer switch. Many sub-modalities vary in an analogue fashion. |
Anchor | Any stimulus that evokes a response. Anchors can change our state. |
Association | Seeing, hearing and emotionally feeling from inside an experience. Association is contrasted to dissociation. |
Attractor | Any facet or factor with an attractive force within a system. In neuro-semantics, an attractor is anything that we value or find meaningful. |
Auditory | To do with the sense of hearing. |
Autism | Autism is a spectrum disorder most prevalent in males, where social skills and abilities are diminished. Autism can range from mild to severe. |
Awakener | The art and skill of inviting one to wake up to new possibilities, visions or values as part of a compelling future. |
Baseline State | One's normal and habitual state of mind. |
Behavior | Any activity or thought that one engages in. Behavior is also a Neurological Level. |
Belief | A generalization we make about ourselves, others and the world, along with the principles we operate by. Beliefs are a Neurological Level. |
Body Language | The way we communicate with our body, not including words or sounds. Postures, gestures, facial expressions, appearance, and accessing cues are components of body language. |
Brain Plasticity | Brain plasticity says that healthy brain circuitry continues to rewire itself in response to new experience throughout life. |
Break State | An intentional movement, sound, command, or distraction to change an emotional state. |
Buddhism | |
Calibrate | To accurately recognize another person's state by reading non-verbal signals, such as breathing, blinking, skin color and tone, heart rate, etc. |
Calibration | Accurately recognizing another person's state by reading non-verbal signals, such as breathing, blinking, skin color and tone, heart rate, etc. |
Capability | A successful strategy for carrying out a task. A skill. Capabilities are one of the Neurological Levels. |
Chaining | Sequencing a series of behavioral and emotional states. |
Challenger | The art and skill of questioning one's map of reality in order to shed light on aspects of that map that are not working. |
Change | Change is the difference between two states separated by time. |
Change Embracer | A person who welcomes and seeks change in contrast to someone who dreads or is resistant to change. |
Chunk | To change one's level of perception by asking questions that chunk up or down a level. The Meta Model chunks down by asking more specific questions. The Milton Model chunks up by asking more general questions. Chunking sideways uses "what else" to gather more information at a given level. |
Coach | A professional modality distinct from consulting, training, counseling or mentoring. A coach facilitates a client's potential in pursuit of the client's own outcomes. |
Cognition | Thoughts, information processing, and the way we represent experience in our minds. |
Compassion | |
Complex Equivalence | A linguistic distinction wherein someone equates an observation with an unrelated meaning, e.g. "She is late, so she doesn't care." |
Congruence | Alignment of beliefs, values, skills and actions. Being in rapport with oneself or as an organization. |
Conscious | Anything in present moment awareness. |
Consciousness | Consciousness is a subjective mental process, whereby a person is able to experience a phenomenon and reflexively understand that he or she is experiencing that phenomenon. Consciousness appears to be seated in the upper brain stem, but also integrates with many other brain centers. |
Consultant | An expert in a particular field or subject matter, giving professional advise in that domain. |
Content | The specifics and details of an experience. Answers questions such as what, when, where, who and why. Contrasts with process, structure and context. |
Context | The setting, frame or process in which experiences occur, which provides meaning to the experience. |
Crossover Matching | Matching another's body language with a different but similar type of movement. E.g. nodding in time with their speaking rhythm. |