Submitted by Craig on Mon, 04/24/2017 - 01:47

Goals are measurable outcomes that one sets, achieves, and then crosses off a list, or conversely that one forgets about, drops or leaves for a different or modified goal.

SMART Goals share the following characteristics:

  • Specific/Simply-written/Sensory-based
  • Measurable/Meaningful to Me
  • As If Now/Attainable/Allowed
  • Realistic/Responsible
  • Time-bound/Toward What I Want

How to Write Goals

Written as: "It is now _____________, I am / I have _____________."

  • It is now August 11, 2019, I am standing on the scale, I read 195 lbs.
  • It is now January 1, 2020, I am writing the check on my last house payment.
  • It is now January 1, 2022, I am resigning from my IT consulting job for a career in music.

Future Pacing 

When you set a goal, it is important to envision oneself having achieved the goal, and try on the outcome for size. This process allows for tweaking the goal should any incongruences be discovered, and can in some cases help one see that the goal itself may be incongruent with other larger goals, so that the goal can be scrapped before investing too much time or effort in it. If the goal checks out with one's own parts and with the other stake holders, then proceed to implement it.

Releasing Resistance

One final step often overlooked is to identify barriers, blockages, resistance or "why nots" that may arise and eventually sabotage a great goal. A fantastic exercise, then, is to future pace the goal, bring up any felt resistance, big or small, and release that resistance to discharge any negative emotions associated with achieving the goal. Rather than denying that barriers do exist, one can use this exercise to plan for them in advance, and replace any foreseen shame, apathy, grief, fear, anger, or pride with more positive emotions of courage, acceptance or peace.