Pain Management Help

Submitted by Craig on Sat, 12/01/2018 - 02:42

Pain is a significant and often unavoidable part of life. Sometimes it is acute, sharp and localized, and other times, it can be chronic and seemingly everywhere. Sometimes pain is physical, and sometimes it is psychological or emotional. It can range to barely noticeable, to overwhelming and all-consuming. It can be passing, or permanent.


Ten Buddhist Realms

Submitted by Craig on Sat, 12/08/2018 - 17:35

More people than ever are flocking to some form of Buddhism to help them understand and cope with the complexity of the Information Age. I find it interesting that much of the symbolism from Buddhist roots in the East have so much relevance in the West more than two thousand years later.


Death Gives Meaning to Life

Submitted by Craig on Tue, 01/15/2019 - 04:01

How would you describe your relationship to death in general, and your death specifically? Is it healthy? How did thoughts of your extinction influence how you lived last week, or how you might live next week? Does the shortening of your remaining time on earth make your life richer? Are you at ease with the specter of the world continuing without you, or do you crowd it out of your mind?

Effective Meditation

At first, you weren’t here — now, here you are — but soon, you’ll be gone forever. Sunrise, sunset. We all die.

But in the space of your life, there is also a space called your mind, where everything interesting happens. Your mind is where your uniquely personal and private experience roils, like an eddy in a larger river of conscious people and beings popping in and out of life. It’s this conscious experience that serious students of meditation seek to understand.

Craig Sat, 02/23/2019 - 22:51


Life Mission

Submitted by Craig on Mon, 04/24/2017 - 01:44

A life mission is the kind of outcome that shapes one's entire life. A life mission has these characteristics:

  • Long Term
  • Clear and Compelling
  • Connect with Core Values and Identity
  • Emotionally Compelling
  • Seem Impossible at First
  • Do not Require Sacrifice of Present Moment for Future Outcome

It is not surprising to learn that many people go through life, never having discovered the specific purpose they were born to do.

Levels of Learning

Submitted by Craig on Sun, 04/23/2017 - 16:52

Levels of learning is a simple model for helping us understand where we are in our progression of learning a new skill or body of knowledge. We all go through these stages on our way to mastery or we may stop at some point short of mastery.

When we know where we are along this progression gives us hope because we see light at the end of the tunnel, and knowing that others also go through the same stages when learning a skill we can avoid becoming discouraged along the way.

Creating an Abundant Mind and Life

Submitted by Craig on Mon, 04/24/2017 - 01:55

Over the past few months, I have done a great deal of personal change work, including getting some NLP coaching from friends at Radical Change Group, and subsequently sharing experiences with like-minded others. That work began with a deliberate shock to my neurology, while creating new imprinting with a new powerful stance and outlook on life. That imprinting became the foundation for what was to come next.

NLP Training: Sleight of Mouth Language Patterns

Submitted by Craig on Thu, 04/27/2017 - 03:19

The NLP term "Sleight of Mouth" came into being through Robert Dilts' observations of Richard Bandler, who was expert at responding to complex equivalent (X means Y) challenges in ways that quickly reframed that challenge to provide an alternate meaning, and steered the dialogue in a new direction.

Example Challenge

"You are late again, and that means you don't care!"

One could simply apologize for being late, but that would not address the meaning the other person has attached to the lateness. Sleight of Mouth patterns do this.

NLP Training: Milton Model Language Patterns

Submitted by Craig on Wed, 04/26/2017 - 05:16

The Yin of Language Patterns

The Milton-Model was named for Milton Erickson by the NLP founders, who were introduced to Milton Erickson by Gregory Bateson. The Milton Model is a broad variety of persuasive and hypnotic language patterns that move one from the specific toward the general in search of solutions that have been overlooked under one's present model or map of the world.